Fluoridation Medicine Uncategorized Water

Court is the only option.

To my knowledge water fluoridation represents the only form of prophylactic medication that is delivered on a ‘dose-by-thirst-regardless-of-your-age-gender-weight-ethnicity-need-or-current-consumption-from-other-sources’ basis. In Ireland – the only country in the world where it is mandated by law –  residents have higher than average rates of osteoporosis, some cancers, hypothyroidism (which in turn is linked with depression) and neurological […]

Ethics Medicine Uncategorized Water

End mandatory (or indeed any kind of) water fluoridation

I signed this petition back in Jun 2011. For four reasons. 1) I believe it is medically inappropriate to medicate me without personally assessing me for a) my need based on the number of teeth that need protecting b) my risk of developing the disease based on dietary and lifestyle choices c) my current exposure […]

Art Freediving Nature Technology Uncategorized


… causes a lot of problems. So it’s good to be reminded of the wonderful things it enables us do. Susan Austin’s “We Are Freewheeling” performance art event is being featured as part of the “Unlimited Festival” at the Paralympics 31 August 2012 to 9 September 2012

Self-Healing Uncategorized Wellness

Know someone who snores?

I am currently planning for a 4-month project that might help people reduce their Obstructive Sleep Apnoea symptoms. “Reduce” because the method I intend to replicate in Sligo did not entirely eliminate their problems. But they did feel less tired during the day because of having slept better. Quality of life also improved for both […]


Basic Watsu

Short notice, but am trying to get a sense of how many might be interested in a Basic Watsu course on the weekend of June 29th – July 1st. The cost will be €495 (just €10 up on last September’s). Max 4 participants. If it goes ahead, the course would be held in Manorhamilton, Co. […]