Computers Environment Ethics Technology Uncategorized

Rescue your CanoScan LIDE 20

Mine stopped working after I upgraded my operating system to Snow Leopard a few years ago. With no obvious sign of damage I figured some internal part had been damaged during a house move. But, thankfully, I never managed to bring it to the recycling centre. Meanwhile, a more tech-savvy sibling, knew theirs had stopped […]

Environment Ethics Medicine Water

Safe? It’s not even effective!

Since the 1960’s the Irish population have been told by their Government that not only is water fluoridation safe, but it is also effective at reducing dental caries (decay and/or crumbling of teeth). But in May 2010, the EU Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) published a report which clearly shows water fluoridation […]

Environment Fitness Freediving Nature Water Wellness Wildlife

The power of touch

Just a few hours ago a dolphin let me touch her. I say ‘let me’ because for the past six or seven dives with her, she has always been – skillfully and deliberately – just beyond arms reach. Even with a stretch and a lunge I never managed to touch her. But today she decided […]